Couple playing VR game

Out of the Box Dates: Virtual Reality Experience for Two

Dinner and drinks is yesterday’s news, so get geared up and duke it out in the arena. It’s great exercise and a way to let our your aggressions.

We feature a new “out of the box” date idea every week.

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Drinking Bar

New Bar Crawl Package: Works as a Double Date!

Spend a Friday or Saturday night exploring the nightlife in a new area with your loved one and friends.

Visit 5 different bars in close proximity to each other, no transportation required.

The first drink at each bar is on us!

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Couple holding hands

Deluxe Weekend: Far-Flung and Romantic

Time to de-stress and take a weekend to remember why you work so hard.

Choose from over 15 exotic remote and not-so-remote locations.

Packages include a hotel for two, a bottle of wine, and a planned activity.

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